Monday, October 28, 2013

Healthy - er Holiday Chocolates! Want Some?

I love to cook!  I love to eat!  Which leads me to my next love, to work out!  I love to eat what I want, have it taste great and look good in a swimsuit.  Can I have it all?  YES!!!!

One way I stay on the lower side of the scale is by using Xylitol in my daily food prep.  Join me on Friday, November 1st to hear about one of my favorite past times as the Holidays draw near.  'HEALTHY….ER' CHOCOLATES Plus learn how Xylitol is not just for fixing dessert!


Submit your recipe challenge HERE.
Making candies with Xylitol is tricky.  Submit a treasured holiday candy recipe you would like made with Xylitol.  Jen will use her test kitchen and work out the details.  Jen will select a winner and send you the treat and recipe!

Good luck and Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 10, 2012

DID YOU KNOW Childhood caries is the NUMBER ONE infection (yes infection) despite the use of fluoride?  Dental/oral infections count for 30% of the number of school absences.  (%'s vary on demographics).  Did you know this is COMPLETELY PREVENTABLE?!  Imagine no more babies going under to treat such severe infections.  Imagine you and your child having no cavities.  Imagine a long-term positive total health focus for your family.  

All of this is true and scientifically backed by over 30 years of research.  Results are as easy as chewing gum or changing your toothpaste!  

To compliment my Clinical Dental Hygiene Practice, I provide Xylitol education, samples and product to community members, family, friends and neighbors.  I do not market openly, yet by word of mouth and have a full schedule of local presentations.  I offer my professional consulting services free of charge and only receive payment by the product I fill orders.  I value time with my family and have a set schedule when I am available.  I fill orders on a regular basis.  If you, or someone you know could benefit from being healthy, the natural way, please don't hesitate to reach out!  

Click Here to email me your request for information or schedule an education night.

Click Here if you are a Hygienist or other licensed health professional interested in having your own business on the side using your valued education.

DID YOU KNOW Sugar has a Glycemic Index of 100?!  DID YOU KNOW Xylitol has a Glycemic Index of 7?!  DID YOU KNOW Splenda is a chemically engineered sugar substitute and is NOT NATURAL?!  Xylitol is SAFE for Diabetics or others who limit sugar in diet.

Click Here to email meyour request for information or schedule an education night.

***If you are not in the Boise, ID area I can still fulfill your request.  Reach out!  I have an abundance of information I love to share.  Knowledge is power - power to be your best self!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

All roads have lead here . . .

This is a story about me, my family and Xylitol.  I have such a zest for life and see everyday as a gift.  Speaking of gifts, God has blessed my husband and I with two angels I love and adore.  If I could ask God one thing to add with those packages, it would be a manual!  My oldest, Jara is now 5 (going on 15) attending Kindergarten.  Dallin, the caboose, is 3 and loving being my little man.

I have been a Dental Hygienist for nearly 11 years and currently practicing clinical for a General Dentist.  My experience with Xylitol goes back 10 years knowing the dental benefits.  It has not been until the last year that I learned of the respiratory benefits.

After attending a special Dental Hygiene meeting, I was introduced to Xylitol Nasal Spray.  I learned how it can help even Asthma.  I have been burdened with severe allergies and allergy-induced asthma.  As a child, I was in and out of the hospital for Pneumonia and uncontrollable asthma.  I remember being tortured with allergy testing, shots, steroid inhalers etc.  I was instantly intrigued when I learned something natural and non-steroidal can be helpful.

At age 18 months, my daughter began showing signs of Asthma.  Her Pediatrician would not diagnose her saying she was too young.  My trusty nebulizer became useful and I knew Jara potentially shared my same fate.  I was so upset.  I remember clearly feeling limited in activity and by the seasons.  I did not want the same for her.

After learning about Xylitol Nasal Spray and how it makes a positive influence on asthma, Jara and I shared nasal dosing sessions.  It is something we do together!  Jara and I also shared less often Asthma flare-ups as we were faithful in using Xylitol Nasal Spray.

I did see one unseen benefit.  Jara's Kindergarten Pediatrician visit brought me to tears.  Upon charting her growth she had fallen WELL BELOW her normal growth pattern.  He wanted to do genetic testing for Turner Syndrome because of her halted growth!  I was shocked.  I told him I'd think about it.  I went home in tears and was weighed down for several days.  During that time It occurred to me she was waking up several times a night because of her dry Asthma cough.  *Gasp*  I have slipped on the Xylitol Nasal Spray!  The next morning I began our regime of nasal drops Morning, noon and night.   I have since been religious and she enjoys a better night's rest.

3 months later, we were measuring Dallin on his birthday.  Jara HAD to be measured and I couldn't believe the numbers.  How can she grow 2 inches since her Kindergarten visit?!  I am not a doctor, though I remember reading something about sleep and growth in children.  It makes me think, what if Jara was not growing because her Asthma flare-ups were interrupting her REM cycle and growth hormone release?  I LOVE that phrase!  "What-if" drives science.  "What-if" drives technological advancements.  "What-if drives my desire to share the news about Xylitol.

I now participate in a program that allows me, as a Dental Hygienist, to educate and share product with my family, friends and close associates.  A close friend suffers from severe allergies and was at her last straw until I introduced my own life-saver to her - Xlear Nasal Spray.  We can't have a conversation without her mentioning how much allergy relief she has experienced.  This is just one true story of many.

I recently attended a general PTA meeting at my daughter's elementary school.  I asked to speak about Xylitol.  Surprisingly many members knew about Xylitol gum.  I enhanced their understanding with a brief synopsis of all the benefits and how it would incorporate into the school's standing health initiative.  They agreed unanimously to support any educational event for parents and students about Xylitol!

This is just the beginning of my Sweet Home Story.  I expect a great adventure!  In my most recent presentation, I remember how great it felt to share information and product that literally changes lives for the better.  Some may consider lucky to have Xyltiol in their lives.  I feel that as well, but more so to have the opportunity to help others see what is available to enhance their health and lives.